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meditations and Metal Music: The Week Catch-up

 Another still night at the house, and I have pierced the quiet with Fear Factory on shuffle play on Spotify. Spent the day cleaning and beefing up my LinkedIn profile as I think I hear the death rattle at my current job. She called me on Thursday asking me to watch the dog that she took, as she was in Colorado looking for a house to set up a base camp to start her ‘new life’. The dog was at her mother’s, and her mother was having a breakdown trying to take care of him. AS little 8-lb Shih Tzu-Yorkie mix was “too much”. Then she said that her mother had booked a plane ticket out to met her in Colorado. Un-fucking-real and completely predictable, like mother like daughter, having to be at the center of the action and staying behind to help someone, even for a short time, was unacceptable. I went and got the dog and went about my life as usual. She sent me texts saying that she had found a house and sent me the MLS. I looked up the listing and like I had guessed, all she saw was ...

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